Fringe - end of 1st season

For those who were expecting an urban background for Lost, I'm sorry.
The merge of X Files and CSI left a very good impression, and changed my opinion of J.J. Abrahms as a series leader. Olivia Dunham is already a new FBI icon, and the mad scientist Walter Bishop left its mark. I find his non-ethical and totally unreal behaviour hilarious. But as the end of the series drew near, some scars were exposed for us.
Watch out: spoilers ahead!

The faking engineer Peter Bishop still got many secrets to reveal for us, and still he is one of the most important pieces of the plot. As we can deduce from the final episode, Walter travelled to the "road not taken" dimension to kidnap his own son, as the "real world" Peter died, drowned in the lake, if I'm not mistaken. And this travel triggered all the subsequent events of Fringe: ZFT, Massive Dynamics, Jones and so on.
The appearance of William Bell, played by Leonard Nimoy, was, to say the least, surprising, as he has left our reality to live in the "road not taken" dimension. But this brings a question: every character defines his own RNT dimension, or is it a whole-world RNT dimension? From the theory explained by Walter, this wouldn't be possible, as the dèja-vu are the single person perception of his/her own RNT dimension. Let's see how J.J. is going to solve this puzzle.
Mysteries yet to be revealed include: the effects and side-effects of the Cortexiphan treatment, Peter's dark background, the choice of the ZFT children, William Bell's intentions, the content of those micro-crystal data discs, and, finally, the Observer origins and role in the story.
The bald guy is really close to Walter, and, if you can recall, has the same stream of thought as Peter (at least when they are close to each other). Would he be a consequence of Peter's kidnapping? Is he a separated fragment of Peter himself? Is he another RNT dimension version of Peter? Maybe we will get nice, if not surprising, answers.
I liked the ending touch of the Twin Towers, and Obama moving to the "New White House"... maybe the terrorists took a different route, and that ALSO creates a RNT...

Questions to be answered in September...


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