I could say that there are reasons to watch it, and reasons not to watch it, depending on many things: your age, your gender and your mood.
Your age: the story is thin for grown-ups, and confusing for kids. Much of the joking is based on sex, and kids, at least, shouldn't get them.
Your gender: if you are a male, you'll love watching Mikaela and the Decept-chick walking around Sam, with their short outfits and nice curves. If you are a female, you'll hate for the same reason.

Your mood: bad tempered people will find the movie boring, with lots of fire and lack of structure, with long no-reasoned scenes. People in a good mood will laugh a lot, and may think that the movie is a comedy, not an action one.
To point out the good and bad points:
- Nice working with the bots graphics.
- Nice battle scenes, with a lot of close fighting by the bots.
- Energon, the reason for all the war, has been mentioned, although not deeply used.
- A lot more of Decepticon bots, in many unusual forms (a hot chick!!).
- Devastator!!!
- Cold Sam and Mikaela scenes.
- Less Autobots presence on the screen (how many times can you hear the name Ratchet?); that was my bad... they added 2 freaking useless joking twin Autobots.
- Less Megatron (he wouldn't even say "I AM MEGATRON!").
- Decepticon eggs and hatchlings (??? - where did that come from?).
- Too much Americas Army - there was no need of so much human presence in the battles, seemed like Uncle Sam's "I want you" propaganda.
- Poor story.
- Poor edition (sequences jumped from university to woods in no time, you couldn't even reconstruct the evolution of the story in your head).
And I guess i recognised Bulkhead, from the cartoon, but fighting on the Decepticons side. I kept myself thinking: he's not on the Autobots side, can't you see?
Finally, some second episodes will remain as legend (Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2, and many more), and others won't (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom). Will choose where would you place Transformers 2.
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