Wall-E - at last!

Yes, I know... Wall-E has been released ages ago, but only now I had time, and real interest, in watching it. I just don't know exactly how to describe it, cause animation has become such a high level production as any other film.
It brings an amazing story of a lonely trash-collecting robot left on Earth to clean our mess and, with no warning, receives a visitor probe from some technologically evolved civilization.

Warning: spoilers ahead...

That's when the story turns to be really interesting... the probe, known as Eve, appears just when Wall-E found a little plant growing beneath a pile of garbage, and start scanning everywhere for you-know-what. She can't find any vegetation, but then Wall-E realises what she's after and offer her the plant. She enters an dorment state, beaconning for her return to wherever she came from.

It's than that we discover that she is probing Earth for the last Earth survivors, that are living in a kind of American-consumer paradise starship, the Axiom. But, when we come to think, just for a second, we see that it wouldn't be necessary 700 years of sloth to turn us into fat-boneless creatures... we are already in route. It is a direct exposition of the lifestyle that's being imposed to us by the market, TV, and so on. No life, only consuming.

When they are going to deliver the plant to the captain, the ship Auto(matic) control try to stop the return of the ship to Earth, as the plant is a sign of Earth's recovery from all our aggressions, which is prepared for a new colonization.

You know what comes next: people and bots join forces to bring the Auto pilot down and return to Earth, in a sequence of funny and dramatic events. But the point is not that. The messages are crystal clear: let's think about what we are doing to our planet and our own lives.

What I enjoyed the most was the stunning graphics quality, sound and humor. The bots have designs that are related to their "directives" and the "scars" and dirt on Wall-E's metal cover are just perfect, as well as the reflective and bright white cover of Eve. Just impressive piece of art.

Go and take a look, it's worth your time ;)


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